There are many further sources of information to help you get the right tree in the right place, including information on specific topics, for example, hedges, orchards, natural flood management and natural regeneration.
Relevant strategies, policies and plans
- England Trees Action Plan 2021 to 2024 sets out the Government’s long-term vision for trees, woodlands and forests and a list of over 80 policy actions to deliver this. It focuses on expanding, protecting, and improving our woodlands, and ensuring trees and woodlands can connect people to nature, support the economy, combat climate change, and recover biodiversity.
- 25-Year Environment Plan published by HM Government, sets out a comprehensive and long-term approach to improving our environment for the next generation.
- The Climate Change Act 2008 (2050 Target Amendment) order 2019 is UK Government legislation requiring net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
- Nature Recovery Network. Establishing a national Nature Recovery Network is a government commitment from the 25-Year Environment Plan. A local version will be a requirement of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (a statutory requirement from the Environment Bill 2020). The Devon Nature Recovery Network is currently in development through the Devon Local Nature Partnership.
- Making Space for Nature. A review of nature conservation in England, by Prof Sir John Lawton. It advocates a landscape-scale approach to conservation, to create ‘a coherent and resilient ecological network’, guided by the key principles of more, bigger, better and joined.
- Natural Flood Management (NFM). This catchment-based approach aims to reduce flood and coastal erosion risk, and involves implementing measures that help to protect, restore, and emulate the natural functions of catchments, floodplains, rivers, and the coast.
- Environment Bill 2020 – as a core part of the government’s commitment to leave the environment in a better state than we found it, the Environment Bill now requires a new, historic, legally binding target to be set to halt the decline in species abundance by 2030.
- National Association for AONBs Colchester Declaration – the National Association for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty believes that now is the time to significantly increase the scale and pace of nature conservation activity in AONBs. Using our unique network and partnership model, we are making a collective Declaration on Nature in AONBs, setting out our strategy for change.
- Woodland Trust Emergency Tree Plan – The Woodland Trust’s Emergency Tree Plan sets out key recommendations for national and local governments across the UK.
- UK Forestry Standard 2017 – the governments’ approach to sustainable forestry.
County and local
- Devon Nature Recovery Network. Putting the National Nature Recovery proposals into practice at a local level. Natural Devon, Devon’s Local Nature Partnership, has begun work on preparing a Nature Recovery Network for Devon, led by the Devon Wildlife Trust. This will map Devon’s existing habitats and opportunities for their enhancement and creation to achieve further benefits for nature, people, and climate. It will ensure opportunities for storing carbon in the environment in Devon are led by nature’s needs.
- Devon Carbon Plan. The Net-Zero Task Force are creating an evidence-led Devon Carbon Plan which will consider the earliest, credible date which should be set for net-zero emissions.
- Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plans consider conserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the AONB with continuity and consistency over time. Each AONB has its own Management Plan. In Devon these are:
- National Park Management Plans set out how a range of organisations will work together to achieve shared objectives for the future management of the National Park. There are two National Parks within Devon – Dartmoor and Exmoor.
- Devon-wide Landscape Character Assessments describe the variations in character between different areas and types of landscape in the county. It provides an evidence base for local development frameworks and plans, articulating what people perceive as distinctive and special about all landscapes in Devon. It aims to guide and manage change whilst protecting what people value.
- Neighbourhood Plans. Many local communities in Devon have produced Neighbourhood Plans which may include policies or sites relating to new woodland creation.
Ongoing maintenance and management of trees
The Forestry Commission and Woodland Trust have produced a wide range of helpful guidance. For example see information on how to care for newly planted trees and old but still relevant Forestry Commission handbook on Trees and Weeds.
The Devon Hedge Group provides advice on the management of Devon hedges.
See also links to Relevant organisations below.
Information sources
- Natural Flood Management
- National Vegetation Classification
- Forestry EIA thresholds
- Devon-wide Landscape Character Assessment
- Devon Landscape Policy Group Advice Note 1
- Devon Environment Viewer
- Teignbridge District Guidance on native hedgerows and Devon banks
- Devon Historic Hedges
- Ecological Site Classification
- UK Soil Observatory online mapping system
Relevant organisations
- Devon County Council
- Woodland Trust
- Forestry Commission
- East Devon AONB
- Blackdown Hills AONB
- South Devon AONB
- North Devon Coast AONB
- Tamar Valley AONB
- Dartmoor National Park
- Exmoor National Park
- Devon Hedge Group
- Blackdown Hills Hedge Association
- Orchard Network
- Devon Wildlife Trust
- Westcountry Rivers Trust
Potential funding sources
- Woodland Trust Free Trees for Schools and Communities and Large Scale Planting: Support and Advice
- Devon Wildlife Trust: Saving Devon’s Treescapes
- Tree Council Branching Out Fund and other schemes for hedge and orchard planting
- Devon County Council Emergency Tree Fund
- AONBs, for new Agricultural Transition Plan – Farming in Protected Landscapes, and some Sustainable Development Funds
- Grants for woodland creation and maintenance under the government’s Countryside Stewardship scheme
- The Forestry Commission’s England Woodland Creation Offer
To see all available sources of funding in 2021, head over to Sources of Funding for Tree Planting in Devon – Devon Local Nature Partnership (
Step 7: Put your scheme into practice
Step 5: Choose the right tree – Devon Local Nature Partnership (