About this guidance

This guidance is for anyone who would like to help increase tree cover in Devon’s landscape. It takes into account the variety of landscapes we have in Devon today, and presents an inspiring shared vision for how these could change in future if we act now in response to the climate and ecological emergency.

The vision encompasses many different ways of increasing tree cover, including re-creating lost landscape features (such as hedges, orchards, and connected woodlands), creating new climate-resilient productive woodlands, and identifying sites where trees can be allowed to re-establish naturally.

Some of these actions are encouraged almost anywhere, whilst others require more careful consideration and consultation. Things to look out for are highlighted, including what you must do, depending on the type and scale of your project.

The guidance takes you through a step-by-step process – from considering the possibilities and reasons for new trees and woodland in your chosen landscape, through to finding the right place, choosing the right method for establishing trees, choosing the right species and designing your scheme to fit into the landscape.

The guidance also signposts you to more detailed national and local guidance and sources of information. This includes a version of the Devon County Council Environment Viewer that has been pre-set to help you spot environmental sensitivities and considerations for woodland planting.

Links to other websites are provided throughout, including where to find further information and funding advice as well as further advice on ongoing care and maintenance (more detailed advice will be available shortly elsewhere on this website).

Taking the time to get it right

Trees will outlast us and continue to meet the needs of generations to come, so it’s worth taking the time now to get it right. Our guidance will help ensure Devon’s landscapes are filled with even more wildlife and continue to provide opportunities for people to enjoy nature, heritage and beautiful places, creating a well wooded landscape that helps tackle climate change and benefits our economy.

We’d welcome your feedback!

Please send any comments or suggestions for improvement on the content or layout of this guidance or nature@devon.gov.uk including ‘Right Place Right Tree Guidance’  in the subject line.