Environmental education

Environmental education has a long heritage in Devon with the establishment of a Devon Education for Sustainability Working Group (DESWG) over 25 years ago. More recently this has evolved into the Network of Environmental Educators in Devon (NEED) which continues this work through a large and diverse network of practitioners including local government, schools, further and higher education institutions, NGOs and local communities. All are committed to developing environmental awareness, stewardship and learning for sustainability within the formal and informal education sectors.

We know that providing the opportunity to embrace and experience the natural world gives us a sense of belonging, improves health and encourages stewardship of the natural world. Education and learning providers have huge potential to support wildlife and create generations of nature lovers.

Children learning to light fires, work in the garden and playing in a streamNEED brings together a large and diverse network of practitioners including local government, schools, further and higher education institutions, NGOs and local communities. The group meets regularly at venues around the county (or virtually) to share good practice and work on joint projects. The group currently acts as a network for everyone involved in education and outdoor learning and seeks to provide a coherent and co-ordinated framework of support across Devon for helping all achieve environmental awareness and sustainability development work.

The NEED approach

NEED is committed to the principle of education being a transformative and socially critical process. It takes the leading role in Devon in advising local authorities and supporting teachers and others to recognise the importance of environmental education and sustainability as a mechanism for lifelong learning, school improvement and personal empowerment. This work is carried out through the Network and Steering Group.

If you would like to join the Network of Environmental Educators in Devon, please fill out the following form

If you would like to find out more about NEED, please get involved by emailing the Chair, Tom Humphreys

Please see the NEED Terms of Reference here.

Children pond dipping

The role of the Network

A platform to offer support, facilitate discussion and share information and best practice between practitioners involved in outdoor, environmental and sustainability education across Devon whilst offering an opportunity to receive information disseminated from the LNP board and industry specialists.

We are working to achieve our vision through the following aims:

  • Experience – Provide a lifetime of equitable access to outdoor learning for all
  • Connect – Support learning and experiences that connect people to their local environment
  • Care – Create generations of globally aware citizens that want to play their part in nature recovery.
  • Act – Developing an environmentally literate population who enact sustainable ecological and regenerative changes for a resilient future for Devon.

Minutes and meetings

NEED members in Devon

Find out about Outdoor Learning experts near you


Please check out the LNP Events pages for NEED events.

NEED webinars

Webinars are hosted as a ‘lunch and learn’ session via Zoom on a monthly basis. Monthly webinar sessions are scheduled for the last Tuesday of each month from 1-2pm throughout the year. We invite a guest speaker at each session and encourage practitioners across Devon to join the discussion and connect.

If you would like to attend the session, please use this Zoom link to join the webinar. We are always on the lookout for interesting guest speakers to present at webinars. If you would like to volunteer for a guest slot in the coming months, please get in touch with Jess, Chair of NEED, on jess@planetandpeople.co.uk.

Previous presentations are recorded and posted on the NEED You Tube Channel. Recent guest speakers have included representatives from Farms For City Children, University of Plymouth, Plastic Free North Devon and Devon County Council.

NEED newsletters

We produce newsletters each season/quarter. If you have content that you would like to have included in our next newsletter, please email Jess Carter on jess@planetandpeople.co.uk with a short text and a picture.

You may also be interested in signing up to the Devon Schools Sustainability Bulletin.

Environmental education for all ages

meadowAnyone can get outside and learn more about nature and sustainability in Devon. If you are interested in specific species like butterflies, bats or badgers; lichens, trees or wild flowers, there is a group to help you learn more. Learn from experience by volunteering with practical conservation tasks. Learn from the experts on a specialist course or help out and collect valuable data  with a citizen science project. The learn about Devon’s natural history page will help point learners of all ages and inclinations in the right direction.

School resources

Taking your pupils outside to learn might seem daunting but there are lots of resources and organisations to help ease the process and make curriculum links clearer. The resources for schools page highlights NEED members as well as useful national resources.

The evidence for outdoor learning

Two school children smiling at the camera covered in mud

A wealth of evidence exists on the benefits of taking learning outdoors. It can be useful for the reflective teacher / practitioner to develop what they do but also to persuade others and justify why it makes sense for children, young people and adults to make use of natural environments for learning. The evidence for outdoor learning page contains links to key studies and collections of research articles on the wide ranging benefits of Outdoor Learning.

Stay in touch

Twitter – for links and signposting
Facebook Group – for a more communal setting
WhatsApp – for more immediate communications
Teams Group – an alternative for more immediate communications