Climate and Resilience

Devon Climate Emergency banner

Our planet’s climate is changing and warming at an accelerating rate. The last decade has been the warmest on record and as a result we are seeing more extreme weather events, ocean acidification and rising sea levels.

In Devon sea levels have risen by 17cms over the last century. With two coastlines, this puts Devon’s seaside communities under threat. Similarly, over 70% of land in Devon is in agricultural use so more unpredictable weather in the future will threaten farming.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has advised that carbon emissions must reduce globally by at least 45% by 2030 from 2010 levels. There is a chance we can avoid the worst effects of climate change by keeping warming below 1.5 degrees. To achieve this we must be carbon neutral (net-zero) by 2050 or earlier.

The Ecological and Climate Emergencies cannot be separated.  The creation and restoration of wildlife rich habitats (peat bogs, woodlands, healthy soils, seagrass beds) will help to achieve net zero through carbon sequestration, increase our resilience to extreme weather and flooding, as well as allowing wildlife to adapt to climate change.


Board: Harry Barton, DWT – represents the LNP on the Devon Climate Emergency

Working Group: Mike Waller, DCC

Current work

Devon LNP is part of the Devon Climate Emergency which was set up in 2019.  We are working to ensure that natural solutions to carbon sequestration and resilience are included in the Devon Carbon Plan and Adaptation Plan.

Devon LNP hosted the webinar, Nature’s role in tackling the climate crisis, in March 2022. A recording is available on YouTube, or the previous event page.

In 2022 the LNP took on responsibility for the Food, Farming and Sea theme of the Devon Carbon Plan.  Our first step has been to commission a review of farm advice across Devon (see Goal 11.7 in the Carbon Plan).  To find out more please contact

Devon and Cornwall Soils Alliance, a project organised by The West Country Rivers Trust, looks at building capacity and capability across soils in Devon. They held an online mini conference in March 2022, providing an update on the alliance and a series of presentations from speakers on soil organic carbon. Watch the recording on YouTube.

In 2019 the LNP was asked to produce a report setting out the potential impacts of climate change on Devon’s natural environment – Climate Change and Devon’s Natural Environment – Evidence Review.

More information