Parish and Town Council Wildlife Network

Welcome to the Parish & Town Council (P&TC) Wildlife Network – part of Wild about Devon. This page is currently being reviewed and updated.

Did you know that P&TCs have a statutory duty to conserve wildlife? Taking action for wildlife should be a priority for P&TCs along with pavements, potholes, play areas and planning!

This network is being set up by LNP partners including wildlife organisations, Local Authorities, Devon Association of Local Councils and Devon Communities Together.  It aims to help P&TCs fulfill their statutory wildlife duty as set out in the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (NERC) 2006. The NERC Act stipulates that public authorities have a duty to have regard for conserving biodiversity through their policy and decision making. Conserving biodiversity can include restoring or enhancing a population or habitat.

Taking action for wildlife

Taking steps to restore and enhance your local area for wildlife need not be a costly and time-consuming process. Small things such as leaving areas of long grass can have huge impacts and also save money!

Explore our Community Toolkit  which provides loads of links and guidance to help you learn more about the wildlife in your patch and take action to protect and enhance it. The Toolkit includes a list of groups, organisations, specialists and consultants who may be able to help. Over time we will include case studies to share what other councils are doing and provide you with ideas. If you are already taking action for wildlife and can share learning with others then please do get in touch at

Parish and Town Council Knowledge Share Event

What to do about pesticides, grass cutting and tree planting? A knowledge share event for Devon’s parish and town councillors and clerks. Free event on Friday 29th April, 12-1:30pm. Further information and booking via Eventbrite.

Parish & Town Council Planting Questionnaire

This year, Devon County Council is working with the Devon Association of Local Councils, Woodland Trust and Saving Devon’s Treescapes Project (led by Devon Wildlife Trust) to promote and support engagement in tree planting initiatives through town and parish councils. In this survey, you will be given a chance to state whether your local council is interested in tree planting. If your local council is interested in tree planting, fill out the following form and DCC may contact you to offer support: 

Parish Biodiversity Audits

To help communities become involved in conserving their own local environment, Devon County Council produced a number of parish biodiversity audits. The audits aimed to provide basic information on the wildlife and geology found within each parish, supported by initial ideas for local action: actions which have potential to contribute to nature conservation on a wider scale – from local to county, county to national and beyond. Visit the DCC website to check if your parish has created an audit, and to find out more about how to create your own.

Devon Community of the Year Awards

All members of the Network will be eligible to enter the P&TC category of the  Devon Community of the Year Awards.

How to join

Email the name of your P&TC and a named contact to:

Check the list to see if your Parish or Town Council has signed up.
