Devon Local Nature Recovery Strategy – a joint strategy for Devon, Plymouth and Torbay

Devon Local Nature Recovery Strategy A joint strategy for Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Nurturing a healthy environment for nature and people

What are Local Nature Recovery Strategies?

Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are a new approach to setting priorities for nature at a local level in England. They are a statutory requirement, defined in Sections 104 to 106 of the Environment Act 2021.  More information can be found at Defra regulations and guidance summary document.

Watch our 3 minute video below to find out more about the LNRS

How can you get involved and who to contact?

Complete our questionnaire, We would love to hear your thoughts about how this Strategy could benefit you and nature so we would really appreciate any time you can spare on filling this out – thank you in advance!

For general queries, ideas or offers of help please email 

If you would like to be kept up to date with progress and receive invitations to conferences and other events please  join our forum and sign up to our newsletter.

What will they contain?

The statutory requirements are a ‘statement of biodiversity priorities’ and a ‘local habitat map’. The Strategies must include:

  • A Description of the area and its wildlife
  • Opportunities
  • Priorities for restoring wildlife
  • Actions need to achieve the wildlife priorities and also achieve other socio/economic priorities such as food control, clean water, improved health and wellbeing and carbon sequestration (through nature based solutions).
  • A Map – showing areas of existing importance for wildlife and areas where we want to focus action.
  • So remember – DOPAM!

Who will prepare them?

The Secretary of State has appointed Devon County Council as the Responsible Authority to develop the LNRS in conjunction with  Supporting Authorities and all other interested stakeholders, especially landowners and managers.  Supporting Authorities include all Devon Local Authorities (East Devon District, Teignbridge, South Hams, West Devon, Torridge, North Devon, Exeter City, Mid Devon, Torbay Council and Plymouth City Council), Dartmoor National Park, Exmoor National Park and Natural England.

What are we doing in Devon?

Devon overview project plan (as of July 2024). 

  • Updating our baseline information on habitats and species.
  • Talking to wildlife experts to identify the wildlife priorities (updating our Devon Special Species list etc).
  • Mapping our habitats and investigating models to see if they can help us identify where we want to focus effort.
  • Talking to partners to identify how nature restoration can help achieve. targets relating to water quality, flood control, health and wellbeing etc.
  • Starting to talk to delivery partners to identify how we can ensure the LNRS helps them to deliver the priorities in the LNRS.
  • We held a Warm up webinar on 14th of November 2022 to set the scene – details below.
  • We also held a Conference for 220 partners on 13th June 2023.
  • We have created a Questionnaire where you can contribute any thoughts at any time – see below.

How will the LNRS be used ?

It will provide local planning authorities and developers with information to enhance the planning system, including the delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain requirements, and investment in our urban green spaces. It will guide public and private investment, including through the new Environmental Land Management Schemes (ELMS). It will support communities and businesses in their actions to protect and enhance Devon’s land and marine environments, and the benefits we gain from them, such as health, access and learning.

Previous Events

  • Pilot Webinar

    On October 25th 2022 we hosted a national webinar to hear from the 5 LNRS pilot studies. Defra set up the 5 LNRS pilots in August 2020 and these ran until May 2021. Defra proposed the pilot areas from a long list of areas already active in spatial planning for nature so that the pilots were in a good position to progress quickly and lessons could be learnt in a timely way.

    The links to the presentations used at this webinar are below;

    1. Buckinghamshire
    2. Cumbria
    3. Greater Manchester
    4. Northumberland
    5. Cornwall

    The meeting recording can be found here.

  • Warm-up Webinar

    On November 14th 2022, we hosted a free Warm-up webinar for everyone to learn more about what we are doing here in Devon to recover nature, improve our access to it, and how you can get involved.

    Sector presentations can be viewed below;