A sketch of a rural landscape
Large scale landscape Beech trees Archaeological feature Steep wooded scarp Extensive woodland Trees and hedges Medieval fields Hedgebanks Small woodlands Stone bridges Riverside trees Open, flat landform

Large scale landscape

Landscape Character Type: Open inland planned plateaux

A large-scale landscape of regular-shaped fields with straight edges

Beech trees

Landscape Character Type: Open inland planned plateaux

Lines of beech trees alongside roads and in hedges

Archaeological feature

Landscape Character Type: Open inland planned plateaux

Archaeological feature in prominent hilltop location

Steep wooded scarp

Landscape Character Type: Wooded scarp slopes

Steep wooded scarp forms dramatic backdrop to lower valley below

Extensive woodland

Landscape Character Type: Wooded scarp slopes

Extensive patches of woodland with both deciduous and coniferous trees

Trees and hedges

Landscape Character Type: Wooded scarp slopes

Trees and hedges, plus grassland and wet-flush habitats

Medieval fields

Landscape Character Type: Upper farmed and wooded valley slopes

A smaller-scale landscape comprising a patchwork of medieval fields in irregular shapes


Landscape Character Type: Upper farmed and wooded valley slopes

Species-rich hedgebanks with hedgerow trees line lanes and fields

Small woodlands

Landscape Character Type: Upper farmed and wooded valley slopes

Small woodlands with organic shapes, often associated with woodland edge and grassland habitats

Stone bridges

Landscape Character Type: Sparsely settled farmed valley floors

Stone bridges are historic landscape features

Riverside trees

Landscape Character Type: Sparsely settled farmed valley floors

Riverside trees (e.g. willow and alder) along river banks

Open, flat landform

Landscape Character Type: Sparsely settled farmed valley floors

An open, flat landform with a simple landscape pattern