A sketch of a rural landscape
Scrub regeneration Beech hedge restored Archaeological site kept clear of trees Productive woodland Existing habitats retained Farm orchard Hedge managed and some hedgerow trees allowed to grow out Woodlands Field patterns Community orchard New woodland Hedgerow trees Riverside path Riparian (river bank) trees Regeneration of valley floor wet woodland

Scrub regeneration

Landscape Character Type: Open inland planned plateaux

Scrub regeneration on the least productive agricultural land provides new habitat

Beech hedge restored

Landscape Character Type: Open inland planned plateaux

Hedgebanks restored and new hedgerow trees planted / allowed to grow out to enhance landscape pattern

Archaeological site kept clear of trees

Landscape Character Type: Open inland planned plateaux

Archaeological site kept clear of trees and viewpoint remains open

Productive woodland

Landscape Character Type: Open inland planned plateaux

Large scale planting of productive woodland, within existing landscape framework and linking with existing woodland.

Existing habitats retained

Landscape Character Type: Wooded scarp slopes

Existing rough grassland (used by bats for foraging) and wet flush habitats retained

Farm orchard

Landscape Character Type: Wooded scarp slopes

Small farm orchard replanted

Hedge managed and some hedgerow trees allowed to grow out

Landscape Character Type: Wooded scarp slopes

Former improved grassland field reverting to dynamic scrub/ woodland habitat


Landscape Character Type: Wooded scarp slopes

Organic shape of existing woodlands reflected in new woodland planting

Field patterns

Landscape Character Type: Upper farmed and wooded valley slopes

Historic field patterns reinstated, strengthening landscape pattern and wildlife corridors, whilst reducing flooding and soil loss.

Community orchard

Landscape Character Type: Upper farmed and wooded valley slopes

New community orchard

New woodland

Landscape Character Type: Upper farmed and wooded valley slopes

Woodlands linked with new woodland, copse and hedge planting.

Hedgerow trees

Landscape Character Type: Upper farmed and wooded valley slopes

Infield and hedgerow trees planted / allowed to grow out

Riverside path

Landscape Character Type: Sparsely settled farmed valley floors

New riverside path allows access to countryside

Riparian (river bank) trees

Landscape Character Type: Sparsely settled farmed valley floors

New riparian trees stabilise river bank

Regeneration of valley floor wet woodland

Landscape Character Type: Sparsely settled farmed valley floors

Wet woodland regeneration of valley floor creates new habitat and slows flooding