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The description below is for an image or graphic that appears in the page: East Devon Central Ridge now

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This sketch is of a typical scene in the East Devon Central Ridge Devon Character Area now, showing the constituent Landscape Character Types.

Landscape Character Types: Open inland planned plateaux:

1. A large-scale landscape of regular-shaped fields with straight edges

2. Lines of beech trees alongside roads and in hedges

3. Archaeological feature in prominent hilltop location

Landscape Character Types: Wooded scarp slopes:

4. Steep wooded scarp forms dramatic backdrop to lower valley below

5. Extensive patches of woodland with both deciduous and coniferous trees

6. Trees and hedges, plus grassland and wet-flush habitats

Landscape Character Types: Upper farmed and wooded valley slopes:

7. A smaller-scale landscape comprising a patchwork of medieval fields in irregular shapes

8. Species-rich hedgebanks with hedgerow trees line lanes and fields

9. Small woodlands with organic shapes, often associated with woodland edge and grassland habitats

Landscape Character Types: Sparsely settled farmed valley floors

10. Stone bridges are historic landscape features

11. Riverside trees e.g. willow and alder along river banks

12. An open, flat landform with a simple landscape pattern

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